Dedicated professionals - at your service.
One thing in common we all have at Dreadnought Studios is that we love to make and play games.
Ok that's two things... but when you put them together it sums up what we are all about.
Although we enjoy what we do, we take creating wonderful artwork very seriously, and we never compromise on quality.
We have specialists in practically every field and can provide the following services;
- Concepts
- 3D Modelling
- Level building
- Sprite creation
- Vfx
- Rigging and animating
- Cinematics
If there is something you require and it is not on the list, just let us know and someone here will probably be able to do it if we ply them with enough tea and biscuits.
We have experience in abundance working on mobile, console and PC games, so get in touch with us to see how we can help you deliver the fantastic artwork which your game deserves.